Baltic Flow call for assistance

Within the project ‘BalticFlows’, they are disseminating an online questionnaire to estimate the citizen interest in a water monitoring programme (using simple devices, maintain them and read out and distribute data) within the Baltic Region.

If you can think of an institution, or know people who would like to participate in this questionnaire, please use and distribute the following links (Click on appropriate country):


Seaweed in the Quark is now mapped

The Finnish Forststyrelsen, together with Länsstyrelsen Västernorrland and FOI have developed a method using LIDAR and SCUBA diving in order to make more large scale mapping of fucoid belts in the Bothnian Quark. This is a very important tool in environmental monitoring, since this can be used in calculating more exactly the areas of seaweed affected positively or negatively by environmental change.
To see the nice map of Norrskär that has been constructed, click HERE.